
Showing Tag: "inspiration" (Show all posts)

Symbol of Hope

Posted by jennifer gibson on Sunday, February 11, 2018, In : Feb 2018 

As the snow continues to fall outside during another winter storm, I’ve been spending time on Pinterest looking for new Supergirl wallpapers to use on my tablet. Yes, I’ll admit that I love that show, for so many personal reasons. I think it’s because I can relate to her. As someone with a hearing loss, I’m always searching for inspiration, someone to look up to and I find  that she is a great choice. 

Even though Supergirl is incredibly strong, fearless and determined to help others, ...

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Posted by jennifer gibson on Friday, June 24, 2016, In : June 2016 

I was recently asked a very good question: who or what inspires you in your life?

I would have to say that a lot of people influence me in many different ways. My mother's love for art, particularly painting inspires me to do it too. My father's love for photography taught me to also enjoy taking pictures of nature which in turn has won me many awards. Watching children be creative with games or crafts encourages me to come up with new and innovative ideas to keep them entertained. Even books...
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Finding HOPE

Posted by jennifer gibson on Friday, April 29, 2016, In : April 2016 

This week's theme is finding inspiration and hope. Today I saw a quote from Christopher Reeve that fit the bill perfectly. We live in a busy world and often we find ourselves feeling completely overwhelmed. Sometimes, that leads to neglecting time for ourselves, doing something kind to our heart and soul. We need to learn to set aside quiet moments of self reflection so that we can grow as a person, from the inside out.

It doesn't matter how you do it, whether it's going for a walk, meditatio...
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Be strong

Posted by jennifer gibson on Monday, February 25, 2013,
Sometimes you got to stop and wonder what in the world Fate has in store for us.  It can seem so strange at times.  I know that it's inevitably meant to lead us towards another path that will open a door to new possibilities, perhaps through a chance meeting with someone who has the right connections. 

It's like the movie, Six Degrees of Separation, where we all are somehow connected to someone that is higher up on the rung of the ladder in the society. Someone in this group will strike up a ...
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My Life

Posted by jennifer gibson on Monday, January 9, 2012,
If you are already a big fan of my books, Sway and Compass, you are probably asking the question "How?!  How the heck did you survive?!"

To tell you the truth, I'm still asking myself the same question.  Honestly, I really don't know how in the world I didn't lose my mind a long time ago.  If anyone else had been in my shoes, they would've most likely be left quaking in them.  I know it's unbelievably cliche but what you experience in life, especially the good, bad and downright ugly, it can m...
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